Summer Sessions


Although we are closed for normal weekly lessons in August, we have always run optional summer sessions. We intend to carry on this tradition this year and offer both face-to-face tuition in the centre and online tuition for those wishing to remain at home. Under normal circumstances, research has shown that children can lose up to 3 months of knowledge over the summer so we are keen to do what we can to help our students keep on top of things over the break.

Our normal weekly lessons finish on Thursday 25th July and our new term will start Saturday 7th September. However, from Monday August 12th to Friday August 16h we will be offering one hour sessions in the centre from 3pm-4pm and one hour online sessions from 4.15am-5.15pm, Then from Monday August 19th to Friday August 23rd we will be offering one hour sessions in the centre from 10am-11am and one hour online sessions from 11.15am-12.15pm. Children can be booked in for as many or as few of these sessions as you wish and the cost for an hour’s tuition will be £30.


If you would like your children to attend and are not currently enrolled with us, please email us to arrange an initial free assessment.


What if the dates available aren’t good for you?


We’re pleased to say you can also book online sessions for your children to do in their own time during the summer. Although these won't be supervised in real time by a teacher, the results will be analysed at the end of each week and used to plan the following lesson. Each session will be available for a week and the weeks available will be those starting July 29th, August 5th, August 12th, August 19th, August 26th, and September 2nd. Children can be booked in for as many or as few sessions as you wish and the cost per session will be £25.


fAgain, if you would like your children to attend and are not currently enrolled with us, please email us to arrange an initial free assessment.

